Friday, October 11, 2013

A Not-Running Workout

Tomorrow we are running a 5k, and that's pretty much the only running I will have done in over a week. This is no bueno. I feel like poop.

Another reason I feel like poop is that on Wednesday, for squadron PT, we did a circuit workout. Outside. It almost involved pull-ups until I was like, "No."

What it did involve was 5 push-ups, 5 crunches, 5 burpees, a 20 second jog, a 20 second sprint...and then turn around and jog back to the start. And then repeat 5 times. It took about 30 minutes. My arms hurt still, so I guess that's one of those pain=gain workouts.

Anywho, that's it, just wanted to post something about fitness. Mostly to remind myself I wasn't that lazy this week.

Did you see the regrouting job in the small bathroom? That's my excuse for not running.

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