Thursday, October 10, 2013

Babycakes and Pumpkin Muffins

Isn't that just the cutest title? It is also deceptively true!

I'm currently obsessed with two things. First, the recipes I see floating around Pinterest, especially the ones that require a box of cake mix and maybe two other ingredients. And particularly the recipes with one extra ingredient. That's my kind of recipe.

The second obsession is very specific small appliances. Ones that only make quesadillas, or hot dogs, or mini-muffins. Especially if they make mini-muffins and are called Babycakes.

I would like to note that these obsessions compliment my mild OCD quite nicely.

Let's combine my two obsessions into one super-obsession. Like this pumpkin muffin recipe, which exceeds all expectations by having only two ingredients. And my darling little Babycakes.

It goes like this:

  • 1 15 oz can of pumpkin guts. (Okay, it's just pumpkin, but I like to differentiate between the thing you carve for Halloween, and the insides of it.) I used Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin
  • 1 box of yellow cake mix. I used Pillsbury Sugar-Free Yellow Cake Mix)
  • Mix it all together until you can't see the white cake mix floating around in the pumpkin guts. Put it in the Babycakes for 8 minutes. 
  • That's it! No really, that's it. End of recipe. 
The Babycakes Pumpkin Muffins are moist and delicious delectable. They also make your house smell like autumn is finally here.

If you need evidence of this witchcraft, here is the proof. Behold, Babycakes Pumpkin Muffins!

The final product, Babycakes Pumpkin Muffins.
 That's the Babycakes, doing her thing, with next batch on standby.

That's what they look like when you open the Babycakes at 5 minutes to check them, then decide they need 3 more minutes of quality time.

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